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Body treatments

Alidya-treatment for cellulite

ALIDYA (Anti Lipo Dystrophic Agents)
This preparation is effective both in the therapeutic and prophylactic aspect.
It is recommended in the treatment of existing cellulite and, very importantly, in preventing its formation.
The preparation also improves arterial circulation, which results in better oxygenated skin and has anti-swelling properties


  • sagging skin
  • cellulite (thighs, abdomen, buttocks)
  • cellulite prevention


  • pregnancy
  • breast-feeding
  • diabetes
  • thyroid disease

The course of the procedure
The procedure is performed using the mesotherapy method. Prior to injection, the physician will mix the contents of the two vials by adding the solvent to the lyophilisate using a sterile needle.
Then it cleans and disinfects the injection site and its immediate vicinity, and then performs the injection, piercing the dermis or the surface layer of subcutaneous tissue.

The therapy restores the skin's firmness and smoothness.
The effect lasts from several to several months after application. In order to maintain the effect, it is recommended to repeat the therapy once a year.


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