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Cavitation peeling

Cavitation peeling the skin cleansing using ultrasonic vibrations , enhanced with micro-massage that improves microcirculation and cellular oxygenation , and increases penetration of active ingredients into the skin. This allows for precise removal of excess sebum from the pores and follicles capillaries , get rid of blackheads , blackheads and bacteria. It smoothes the skin, moisturizes and stimulates natural hydration and softens the skin . It soothes and regenerates the skin.


  • removal of dead skin and blackheads
  • closing the pores of the skin
  • control of sebum secretion
  • stimulation of cells to natural health
  • help in treating acne
  • lighten discoloration and pigmentation spots
  • shallow scars
  • prepare the skin for further cosmetic procedures


  • pregnancy
  • heart failure and abnormal heart rhythms
  • pacemaker

Course of the treatment :

After cleaning the skin is moistened preparation, and then moves on her beautician metal spatula , transmitting ultrasound. Spray water on the skin forms a microscopic bubbles which under the influence of ultrasonic vibrations are larger , and eventually disintegrate rapidly . During this process heat is released , and the pressure increases – the result is the breakdown of dead skin cells without damage to the deeper layers of skin . After peeling mask is applied and after washing off the cream is rubbed .


After the treatment the skin is smooth and thoroughly cleaned . Cavitation brightens and hydrates the skin , causing the increase in the production of collagen , which is responsible for a youthful appearance and increases the production of elastin , responsible for the elasticity of skin tissue . Through a deep micro-massage during the treatment your skin rejuvenation effect is achieved , while micropulses allow better penetration and active involvement of cosmetics in the depths of the skin. The effects are visible after one embodiment of the treatment.







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