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Hair loss treatment

Excessive hair loss is a problem in both men and women.
Lifestyle, nutrition and general health have a significant impact on the appearance and volume of hair.
Scalp mesotherapy is recommended for people who have problems with hair loss and alopecia and as a form of prevention.


  • hair thinning
  • alopecia
  • baldness prevention


  • pregnancy
  • active inflammation of the head

The course of the procedure
Mesotherapy involves local injection of the scalp and the introduction of nutrients.
Hair bulbs receive a healthy dose of valuable substances, thanks to which it is possible to stop the process of their weakening and falling out.
Specially prepared mixtures stimulate microcirculation, making it easier for nutrients to penetrate the hair bulb and sometimes completely stop hair loss.
Treatments are usually performed in series every 7-10 days depending on the demand and individual skin reaction.

The expected results do not occur immediately, but with sufficient regularity and patience, you can achieve spectacular results.

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