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Aesthetic Medicine

Laser acne treatment

The method of laser acne treatment shrinks the acne papules on the surface of the skin and kills bacteria in the deeper layers of the skin, which results in the softening and healing of current changes. The light beam penetrates deeply into the skin and also acts directly on the sebaceous glands, preventing excessive sebum production. The laser light not only eliminates the existing inflammation, but also prevents the formation of new changes, and the skin becomes stronger and more resistant to scarring.


  • acne
  • seborrheic dermatitis
  • purulent, bacterial lesions


  • pregnancy
  • pacemakers, metal implants
  • epilepsy
  • breast-feeding

The course of the procedure

First, a cold gel is applied to the skin with cooling properties and reducing facial swelling. Then, a series of light shots are applied to the skin with a special head equipped with a suitable filter.


The visible effect is the alleviation of acne lesions and a significant improvement in the condition of the skin. Treatments performed with the use of IPL do not disturb the delicate structure of the skin and do not cause long-term damage to the surrounding tissues. The patient may return to daily activities immediately after the procedure.

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