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Treatment for dry skin

Moisturizing treatments aim to reduce theescapeof waterfrom the skin.This can be doneby providingnatural skinmoisturizing agents(NMF), whichretain waterin the skinand through thestrengthening ofhydro-lipidcoaton the surfaceof the skin.

Properhydration of the skinis an essentialfactor intheproper functioningandhealthy look.Treatment improveslong-termhydration of the skin, reduces discomfortcaused bydry skin, strengthens the hydro-lipidmantleof the skin,increaseselasticity andfirmness of the skin. This procedure usesspecial preparationsbased on algaeandplant extractstopreventwater lossfrom the skinandintenselymoisturize the skin.


  • eliminatefeelings oftension andremoval of the skin
  • stimulate circulation
  • anti-agingtherapy
  • firmingthe skin (increasing the production of collagen andelastin)
  • cleansing the bodyof toxins-to stimulatecellular exchange
  • relaxationandstressreduction
  • increasetheabsorption ofcosmetics
  • smoothing of the skin


  • pregnancy

Course of the treatment:

At the beginning ofthe surgeryis performedbody scrubandmask is putselectedaccording to thepatient’sskin typeand the bodyiswrapped infoilto get athermal effect. During the procedure,it is recommendedto drinkmorefluids toincreasedskinsweatingprocess.


After thetreatment the skin istaut, intensely moisturizedand smooth.Increasesits elasticityandfirmness.


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