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Treatment of hyperhidrosis

Treatment of hyperhidrosis

Hyperhidrosis localized, self-contained, we can in some way inhibited by blocking the activity of sweat glands using botulinum toxin and is now considered a way for producing the best results (almost 90% efficiency), while saddled with negligible risk. With a single treatment can eliminate unpleasant ailment even for a few months. Please note that it does not cure the causes of excessive sweating, and only removes the symptoms, but as long as we do not have another method, this seems to be its best.


  • treatment of hyperhidrosis hand
  • treatment of hyperhidrosis feet
  • underarm hyperhidrosis treatment


  • disease of neuromuscular
  • pregnancy

The course of treatment

Removing excessive sweating under the arms, on the palms or elsewhere, is to specify a number of shallow intradermal botulinum toxin to a specific area. For most people, this treatment may be associated with little discomfort. Sometimes the removal of excessive sweating in people sensitive armpits, the hands or feet require the use of anesthesia, but it is not routinely used. When injected into the skin a small dose of botulinum toxin comes to blocking action of nerves that supply the exocrine glands. This prevents the release of their sweat.


After the treatment of hyperhidrosis symptoms subside. The effect is visible after a few days, and it takes many months – even more than a year. The area subjected to treatment becomes completely dry, and the patient during the operation botulinum does not have to use special deodorants and creams.


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