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Aesthetic Medicine

Treatment of varicose veins (sclerotherapy)

Treatment of varicose veins (sclerotherapy)

Sclerotherapy is a minimally invasive and highly effective method and is based on the revised drug nastrzykiwaniu appropriate container. Some of the changes require early exercise vascular imaging of blood flow (Doppler ultrasound), so it is necessary initial consultation and possible vascular testing before surgery to remove dilated.



  • dilated capillaries
  • venous extension
  • spiders
  • all states vein pathology


  • deep vein thrombosis
  • severe limb ischemia
  • that could not be cured leg swelling

The course of treatment

Treatments of this type is carried out after local disinfection. There is no need to use anesthesia because closing the vessel preparations have also analgesic effect. The extended dish puts a needle in a needle with an appropriate dose of an appropriate concentration to the problem. As a result, closes it.



Sclerotherapy provides cosmetic effect of smooth skin with no visible spider veins. Sometimes it is necessary to repeat the procedure closing blood vessels due to the limit on the maximum single dose of treatment and the possibility of leaving some extensions veins. For two weeks after the procedure it is necessary to wear special compression s


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